Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Hysteria Surrounding the Def Leppard Calendar

I have a story to tell you about recent events involving a Def Leppard calendar. Shockingly true.

In January I ordered a 2011 Def Leppard calendar for my desk at the office. Their merchandise ships from England, so I wasn't terribly surprised it hadn't arrived in a month. Another couple of weeks passed, and still it hadn't arrived, so I contacted customer service. No response. Another two weeks. No response. Another week, an I actually tweeted @def_leppard that it was sad their customer service apparently did not exist. I got a tweet back saying to send an email to a contact on the website an they'd take care of it.

The following week - the calendar arrived via Royal Post through USPS. Hooray! Finally! Persistence paid off. In spades! Read on...

Another week passed, and another calendar arrived. Probably because my complaints got crossed in email. :) Anyway, I gifted that second calendar to a friend.'s where it gets shocking...I *lost* the first calendar. How that I happened, I do not know. Well, I actually have a suspicion that the ghost that lives in my closet absconded with it. Along with my turquoise suede boots an my stapler. That's one strange ghost, I gotta tell ya. :D But I was very sad. All the trouble I went through to end up with not one, but two, calendars, and yet I still had nothing to show for it.

Meanwhile, I was packing my car to leave on my relocation to Arkansas when the mail carrier showed up. With, guess what? A *third* calendar. I'm sure the mail carrier thought I had a screw loose as I danced joyously around, waving the package that contained my Precious. This time, however, I was not about to let the calendar out of my sight, and loaded it up in the car to bring with me. And now, it's proudly displayed on the bulletin board in my extended-stay suite, anxiously waiting to be hung up at my new desk at my new office.

And so ends the saga...

1 comment:

Food Czar said...

The end....or a new beginning???