It looks like the Van Halen tour may actually happen. There are actual tour dates listed on And I admit I don't exactly keep up with Van Halen news, but would someone please tell me why a 16-year-old kid would want to tour with his father, uncle, and egomaniacal David Lee Roth? Seriously, he's 16, and I don't care if his father is the legendary Eddie Van Halen, he should be doing 16-year-old stuff, right?
OK, so maybe I'm just bitter because I'm a huge Michael Anthony fan. Well, at least to the extent that I believe that his high-harmonies as a singer truly "made" the Van Halen sound. So who is singing these harmonies now? Wolfgang? Well, I suppose it is possible, given his youth... still...
I was able to catch a Van Halen show many years ago with Sammy Hagar at the mic. I would have loved to have seen them with David Lee Roth back in the day. Shoot, I'd probably go see them with DLR today, EXCEPT - there are no tour dates anywhere near me! What's the deal with that? Classic rock shows are HUGE in the south, particularly in Texas. Lots of bands even start or end their tours in Texas because the crowds are awesome. *SIGH* Well, it looks as though this one will leave me disappointed on many fronts.
1 comment:
She's right---hard rock ALWAYS sells out in Dallas! Ask the chick---she knows her rocks!!!
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